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The study of ancient history uncovered civilizations, innovations, achievements, and legacies that laid the foundation for the modern world.
In Roman polytheism, one god stands out as uniquely Roman with a unique place in the hierarchy of gods: Janus.
Despite about 2,000 years between them, there are quite a few things the United States shares with the ancient Rome’s Republic and Empire.
The idea of Ma’at was a fundamental concept in ancient Egypt, but what was Ma’at, and how did an idea manifest as a goddess?
Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god of mummification and guided souls as they transitioned from the world of the living to the underworld.
The theory of the four humors dominated medical practice for thousands of years.
Climb Belize’s tallest structure, walk through a city swallowed by jungle, and see a 65-ton stone monument. These ten Maya ruins are just legendary.
Venus Cloacina was an ancient Roman goddess who protected the Cloaca Maxima, the oldest of the sewers in the city of Rome.
Step into the ancient world where pharaohs, emperors, and lost civilizations left behind breathtaking wonders. These ten must-see monuments reveal history’s grandest architectural feats.