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We connect people with knowledge to people who want answers. Here are some Q&As, fun facts, and short stories.
Albert Einstein was a first-rate physicist and scientific celebrity. He was also a profound political thinker and one of the twentieth century’s most devastating critics of capitalism.
History is littered with examples of historical inaccuracies, many of which, despite being contested, are still a part of our common vernacular.
In 2015, a 4,000-year-old Minoan Octopus flask fell and got destroyed while on display at the eminent Heraklion Museum in Crete, Greece.
The three Seminole Wars erupted in Florida during the early 19th century, a battle fought between the United States and the Seminole Indians of Florida.
Unlike the priesthood and monarchy, prophets could come from any tribe, clan, class, or gender, and often acted as a check on monarchical power.
Carl Jung’s contributions to psychology are innumerable, but his greatest gift to humanity was to shed light on how creative expression can pave the way to healing.
The late French anthropologist Marc Augé’s theory of supermodernity offers a compelling and timely lens through which to better understand our contemporary era of smartphone-mediated reality.
King James I of England (and James VI of Scotland) oversaw a series of religious changes throughout his reigns over both Scotland and England.