Scott Mclaughlan

Scott Mclaughlan

United Kingdom

Scott is an independent scholar who writes broadly on the political sociology of the modern world.

Education:Birkbeck College, 2021PhD SociologyQueen Mary, University of London, 2016MSc International RelationsQueen Mary, University of London, 2014BA International RelationsExpertise:
Imperial History
Critical Theory
Member since: Mar 09, 2022Location: United KingdomPublished posts: 112

Articles by Scott Mclaughlan

How Does Marc Augé Define Supermodernity?
How Does Marc Augé Define Supermodernity?

The late French anthropologist Marc Augé’s theory of supermodernity offers a compelling and timely lens through which to better understand our contemporary era of smartphone-mediated reality.

Is Capitalism Reliant on Fossil Fuels?
Is Capitalism Reliant on Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuels have underpinned capitalist development since the Industrial Revolution. Despite omnipresent warnings of impending climate catastrophe, they continue to dominate the energy mix that powers the global economy.

History of Travel: Who Invented the Passport?
History of Travel: Who Invented the Passport?

Ancient precursors and medieval antecedents aside, the modern passport system was forged in the 1920s to restrict freedom of movement after the First World War.

What Did Max Weber Say About Capitalism?
What Did Max Weber Say About Capitalism?

Max Weber argued that capitalism was deeply influenced by the emergence of a “protestant ethic,” rooted in Calvinist ideas of predestination and the sanctification of disciplined work.

Who Is Roger Stone?
Who Is Roger Stone?

Roger Stone is a divisive figure in American political history. For over five decades, his career has been marked by the use of deception for political ends, often to great effect.

Who Was Carl Linnaeus? (Life, Works, & Legacy)
Who Was Carl Linnaeus? (Life, Works, & Legacy)

Carl Linnaeus is revered as the father of modern taxonomy and reviled as a key figure in the birth of scientific racism.

Liberation of the Oppressed: What Is Liberation Theology?
Liberation of the Oppressed: What Is Liberation Theology?

Liberation theology refers to Christian theological approaches that prioritize the “liberation of the oppressed.”

What Is the Philosopher’s Stone?
What Is the Philosopher’s Stone?

The Philosopher’s Stone is a mythical substance said to possess the power to turn common base metals into gold, cure diseases, and bestow eternal life.