

Discover the realm of mythology, where ancient legends and timeless tales shaped civilizations across cultures and millennia.

Who (or What) Was Ma’at in Ancient Egypt?
Who (or What) Was Ma’at in Ancient Egypt?

The idea of Ma’at was a fundamental concept in ancient Egypt, but what was Ma’at, and how did an idea manifest as a goddess?

Heracles Obtains the Girdle of Hippolyta: The Hero’s Ninth Labor
Heracles Obtains the Girdle of Hippolyta: The Hero’s Ninth Labor

For his ninth labor, Eurystheus ordered Heracles to obtain a magical girdle from Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons.

Anubis: The Secrets of the Egyptian God of the Underworld
Anubis: The Secrets of the Egyptian God of the Underworld

Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god of mummification and guided souls as they transitioned from the world of the living to the underworld.

Excalibur: The Legendary Sword of King Arthur
Excalibur: The Legendary Sword of King Arthur

Excalibur was the legendary sword of King Arthur. But what do we know about this sword, and how did the legend evolve over the years?

Hel: The Giantess Queen of the Norse Underworld Helheim
Hel: The Giantess Queen of the Norse Underworld Helheim

Hel is the goddess of the underworld in Norse mythology. The daughter of Loki, the queen of Helheim has absolute power over the dead.

10 Myths About the Greek God Dionysus
10 Myths About the Greek God Dionysus

Dionysus was the twice-born Greek god of wine, ecstasy, and madness, and one of the 12 Olympian deities.

9 Myths About the Greek Goddess Hera
9 Myths About the Greek Goddess Hera

Hera was the queen of the Olympian gods and the Greek goddess of marriage and women. In Greek myth, she is known for her vengeful temperament.

10 Myths About the Greek Goddess Artemis
10 Myths About the Greek Goddess Artemis

Fascinating stories about the goddess Artemis from Greek myth. The twin sister of Apollo, the chaste goddess, represents the wild wilderness and the hunt.