Tallest Mountains in the World: 8 Highest Peaks & Their Epic Stories

These are the eight tallest and most treacherous mountains in the world, which have lit up the imaginations of explorers over the centuries.

UpdatedSep 10, 2024By Rosie Lesso, MA Contemporary Art Theory, BA Fine Art

tallest mountains in the world


With their epic, craggy, and snow-laced surfaces, mountains have been an enduring source of fascination and wonder for centuries. Through the ages, thousands of explorers were drawn to the world’s tallest and most treacherous peaks in search of the ultimate sublime experience, risking life and limb in the process.  Towering mountains present some of the harshest and most inhospitable places on Earth. Below are the top 8 tallest mountains in the world, along with a few hair-raising facts and stories about each one.


1. Mount Everest: 29,029 Feet

Mount Everest. Source: Conde Nast Traveler
Mount Everest. Source: Conde Nast Traveler


Topping the bucket list of explorers worldwide, Mount Everest is widely recognized as the tallest mountain in the entire world, reaching 29,029 feet toward the sky. Set within the Mahalangur Himalayas, the notoriously challenging mountain range was named after the Surveyor General of India, George Everest. Around 500 people try to climb Mount Everest during the springtime every year, where they face harsh weather conditions, altitude sickness, and high winds.


Such a dangerous trek is not to be taken lightly; around 300 people have died while trying to reach the summit of the mountain, many of whom have never been found. It wasn’t until 1953 that a group of British explorers led by Colonel John Hunt were able to reach the summit of Mount Everest, along with the Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay and the mountaineer Edmund Hillary, who took the less deadly southeastern ridge route.


2. K2: 28,251 Feet

Mount K2. Source: The New York Times
Mount K2. Source: The New York Times


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Coming in at a close second, the succinctly named K2 is set within the Karakoram Mountain Range in the Himalayas. The K in the mountain’s name is abbreviated from Karakoram, while the 2 meant it was the second mountain to be discovered during the 19th century Great Trigonometrical Survey. Known for being the deadliest mountain range for explorers to tackle, K2’s notorious nickname is ‘Savage Mountain,’ a nod towards its sheer slopes and exposed terrain. Its mortality rate is at 29%, compared with Everest’s modest-by-comparison 4%.


Historical studies of the mountain were observed from more hospitable terrains. The first attempt to climb to the top was in 1902, in a group including the notorious Aleister Crowley. An Italian group was first to reach the mountain summit in 1954, led by Ardito Desio, who headed a team of 11 accomplished climbers.


3. Kangchenjunga: 28,169 Feet

Mount Kangchenjunga. Source: Conde Nast Traveller india
The Striking silhouette of Mount Kangchenjunga. Source: Conde Nast Traveler India


Mount Kangchenjunga in the Himalayas (between Nepal and India) is listed in most geographical surveys as one mountain, although it has five peaks. Its name translates to Five Treasures of Snow. Kangchenjunga was once thought to be the highest mountain in the world. However, the mountain’s height of 28,169 feet, first calculated in 1856, makes it the third tallest. The first climbers to make their way to the top were the British explorers Joe Brown and George Band, who stopped just before the summit as requested by Tashi Namgyai, the Chogyal of Sikkim, who considered it to be a holy, sacred site. Local Lhopo people believed the mountain range hid sacred treasures including salt, gold, turquoise, and precious metals.


4. Lhotse: 27,940 Feet

Mount Lhotse. Source: Xtreme Climbers
Mount Lhotse. Source: Xtreme Climbers


Lhotse (pronounced ‘low-tsee’) is found within the Himalayan Mountain Range, on the border between Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It is connected to Mount Everest by a ridge. Both climbers of Lhotse and Everest follow the same initial route to Camp 3 before their paths diverge. Lhotse has three peaks, each of which presents its own challenges, known as Lhotse Main, Lhotse Middle, and Lhotse Shar. The first to reach the peak of Lhotse Main was a Swiss team led by Ernest Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger in 1956. They scaled the mountain’s West Face, which is now the mountain’s typical route.


5. Makalu: 27,838 Feet

Makalu Mountain. Source: Madison Mountaineering
The stunning view of Makalu Mountain. Source: Madison Mountaineering


Makalu, like Everest and Lhotse, is located within the Himalayan Mountain Range, 12 miles southeast of Everest, on the China-Nepal border. Its name means Great Black One, due to its black rock formation. Its four-sided, pyramid-like symmetrical shape attracts photographers from around the world. The first to attempt to scale its peak was an American team led by Riley Keegan in 1954, whose team included members of the Sierra Club, but a series of deadly storms pushed them back. In 1955, a French expedition group led by Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy made it to the mountain summit, via the north face and northeast ridge, earning them a place in history.


6. Cho Oyu: 26,864 Feet

Photograph of the mountain Cho Oyu
Cho Oyu, view from Gokyo, photograph by Uwe Gille, 2005. Source: Wikimedia Commons


The sixth-highest mountain in the world is Cho Oyu, standing at 26,864 feet. Its name means turquoise goddess in Tibetan. Surprisingly, this mountain is one of the easiest major peaks to climb. This is because of the mountain’s proximity to a popular trading route for Tibetans and Sherpas, called Nangpa La. With the mountain’s generally moderate slopes, the relatively straightforward ascent of Cho Oyu makes it a popular goalpost for those looking to climb more challenging mountains like Everest one day.


7. Dhaulagiri I: 26,795 Feet

Photograph of Sunrise on Dhaulagiri Mountain
Sunrise on Dhaulagiri, seen from Poon Hill, photograph by Raphael Duprat, 2016. Source: Wikimedia Commons


Coming in just below Cho Oyu at 26,795 feet, Dhaulagiri is number seven on the list of tallest mountains in the world. Dhaulagiri is entirely located within Nepal, making it the tallest peak with its borders within one country. Its name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning dazzling, white, beautiful mountain. Dhaulagiri certainly lives up to its name, with the nearby town of Pokhara being a destination for tourists, photographers, scientists, and mountain climbers.


8. Manaslu: 26,781 Feet

Photograph of Manaslu Mountain
Photograph of Manaslu Mountain. Source: Adventure Peaks


The eighth-highest mountain in the world is Manaslu, at 26,781 feet. Manaslu is part of the Nepalese Himalayas, and its name translates to mountain of the spirit. The peak was first summited by a group of Japanese explorers in 1956, led by Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu. Some consider climbing Manaslu to be more difficult than Everest, as the climb from Camp I to Camp IV is extremely challenging. Climbers may also encounter yaks along their journey.


Originally published: December 4, 2023. Last update: September 8, 2024, by Elizabeth Berry

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By Rosie LessoMA Contemporary Art Theory, BA Fine ArtRosie is a contributing writer and artist based in Scotland. She has produced writing for a wide range of arts organizations including Tate Modern, The National Galleries of Scotland, Art Monthly, and Scottish Art News, with a focus on modern and contemporary art. She holds an MA in Contemporary Art Theory from the University of Edinburgh and a BA in Fine Art from Edinburgh College of Art. Previously she has worked in both curatorial and educational roles, discovering how stories and history can really enrich our experience of art.